Monday, August 27, 2007

A New Start

A new school year begins today. It seems like the last one was just letting out a few days ago. The police are out in force and loads of kids have their new school clothes on today. My son's school was videotaping kids getting out of their cars and I'm sure the range of responses will be humorous. My wife started her first official day of student-teaching for what will be a 12-13 week period.

It's a new beginning for each of them and my prayer today is that it will be a good beginning and that they will walk with God in all that they do.

My son tried out for a baseball team over the weekend and didn't get selected. I could see the disappointment all over his face when I told him the bad news yesterday. He tried hard and the coach told me it was a tight competition but in the end they picked someone they felt would meet their needs.

I wanted to tell him about the heart of my son, the joy he brings to what he loves doing, the team-player that he is, the kid who always tries to pick up the spirits of everyone else, but none of that would have changed the coaches mind. I just hated to see the look on my son's face.

I'm hoping this will push him to work on some areas he can improve because it's a good lesson. I've told him the Michael Jordan story (cut from his 9th grade basketball team but turned out to be a pretty good player) and that in life, we all have to work to get past some things at times. I hope he will be encouraged and work hard for what he wants.

Every day is a new start.


Rick Ross said...

You tell Josh that I would always pick him for my team. He is a fine young man.

Melissa Taylor said...

I hope Kelly enjoyed her first day - it will be crazy! I'm sorry for Josh. Those lessons is life are not always easy ones. Bummer.

Tonia said...

I know exactly how you feel. Gentry is one of over 100 7th graders trying out for 24 spots on the volleyball teams. She has to be at school an hour early all week to do exactly whatever the coaches want her to do, to prove she is right for the team. Each morning i drop her off at school and leave praying. Not that she is the very best or that she even makes the team, but that her confidence would be ONLY in God. Nothing else...No one else...In Him Alone! And that His will be done...not mine. I wish every day that those coaches could only see her sweet heart. They aren't looking there, but God is and i think He is very proud!