Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pick a Ticket

I'm meeting with some guys I share Rangers season tickets with today so we can start picking our games. It's an elaborate but fair process and I'm looking forward to watching baseball again. It's a sport I never had much interest in growing up but as you may know, my son loves it and because of that, so do I. While my passion for the sport has grown because of him, it has also grown because I have learned to enjoy different aspects of the game. One of the most interesting things to me is how it is both a team sport but also a very individual sport. To some degree, most sports are the same but I think baseball exemplifies the individual/team aspect more than others. The team relies on the individual to make plays but the individual has to make the play on his own. There's no one blocking for him when he hits, there is no one setting a screen when the ball is coming his way. It's up to the individual to perform to bolster what the team is wanting to accomplish. I'm getting excited for what I once thought of as a very boring game.

I heard they found a 12 year old boy who had been missing in the woods or on a mountain somewhere in the last day or so. I obviously didn't catch the whole story but when I first heard about it, I thought about my own 12 year old and how she would survive in those circumstances. I know the parents must have been scared to death and I'm thankful the story ended on a good note. That young boy must be courageous and very relieved to be back home.
I like good endings.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

He was a boyscout. Lost for 4 days, he lived on a can of Pringles.

I bet he will never eat one again without thinking about that ordeal.