Monday, March 19, 2007

Back In The Saddle

It's back to work today. Whew, where did last week go. I have a list of things I wanted to do that I never got to but had plenty of good time spent with the family doing different things and that's what I wanted to do most.

Our preacher gave a great impromptu message last night about righteousness. He discussed Hebrews 10 and the message that we are justified with God through our baptism, that we are made right with Him at that time. He went on to explain how our sanctification, becoming righteous, is a continous process, something accomplished over time. I could feel what he was saying last night because I know I am growing closer to God all the time. Looking back, I'm thankful the my baptism wasn't the closest I would ever be to God because I understand now so much more about God and His love for me than I did then. I have a long trip to make to be where I need to be with God but I know I will keep making it because the more I learn about Him, the more I want to keep moving closer to Him.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

I'm glad you had a good time off last week.

Aren't you glad the journey with Jesus only begins at baptism?