Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Two

Thanks to Rick and Dennis for your comments. I appreciate your thoughts.

Today is election day (unless you voted last week like I did) and tonight I'm sitting in front of the TV waiting for the results. I've been very interested in politics over the last few years and even had a buried interest at one time of being a participant in the process. Over the last two or three years, I have become jaded to the process and have lost a great deal of trust in people who are in the political arena. I've seen good people who I feel gave in to pressure from bigger interests and I've seen others who have left the arena before giving in. Until there is a major change in how the campaign process works, I don't think there will ever be an improvement in the political landscape.

I get to come home tomorrow. Two nights away is about all I can take. I'm thankful for my wife and her ability to keep everything going when I'm away. I hope my children behave extra good when I'm gone and am thankful when they do. I miss being home and look forward to being there sometime tomorrow.

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