Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Mind is A Terrible Thing To Waste

I had a good idea for a blog last night and really, really wish I could remember what it is today. It's just gone. I had crafted the blog in my mind and today, "poof", there is nothing there blog worthy.

Basketball starts tonight. I'm coaching several 5th graders and the intensity level goes up a few notches. The rules are almost like real basketball with full court presses, steals anywhere on the court and all the fun stuff. We are behind some of our counterparts on practice time so it will be interesting to see how we progress. It's also the first year that we don't have to play all players equal amounts. I'm wrestling with that as I want to let everyone play and grow but I also want to be competitive and win a few.

Just a couple of days until flying off to Brazil. Keep Everett and me in your prayers please.

Chili dog man, consider that while my arms may seem shorter than yours, my shoulders are also 4 inches or so above yours. I realize I need 5 foot long arms to appease you but it's just not practical.

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