Friday, November 03, 2006


I spent part of last night at the multi-purpose building listening to a music program done by the 5th grade. As I sat and looked around the room, I was struck by how many people I know because of my children. Being sociable does not come natural to me. Most of the time, I rather be left alone to enjoy peace and solitude. Thankfully, there are drivers that get me up and in front of people from time to time and I have found over the last several years that my kids and their activities are often the biggest instigator of putting me in front of people. I wasn't suprised by the number of people I knew last night as much as I was floored by the amount of people I have the opportunity to make an impact on and began to wonder what kind of impact I make. I also realized how many people I had a "Hi, how are you? Great and you?" relationship with, a surface level relationship where the only thing we may have in common is that our kids are at the same place at the same time.

I pray God will help me be an influencer for Him in peoples lives. I pray that they will see through my faults and failings and know that behind all the facades I put up, they will see that God's will is my purpose and that they will be drawn to Him. I pray also that each day I will live more like God wants me to live. I pray that for you too.

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