Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Senseless Actions

It was saddening and sickening to hear about the murders in Virginia yesterday. What makes people do such heinous things? I have no ability to make sense of it or say anything that can make anyone feel any better at this time other than to pray that God will be sought out in this tragedy.

Saying that, what does get under my skin is listening to the talking heads on TV second guess the decisions the school administration and police officers made. I have a feeling that if a gunman walked into CNN or ABC today and started spraying bullets around, many of these arm-chair quarterbacks would be ducking for cover and not have a clue how to handle themselves. I trust that if mistakes were made, all of that will be considered by those involved in the near future and used to help so I can't understand why these know-it-alls feel the need to pontificate on something they know little about.

I'm enjoying the rain today. I hope we can avoid the bad stuff and just enjoy the wet stuff.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Can you imagine if the school officials had dismissed everyone and told them to go home -- and the gunman had opened fire on sitting ducks crossing the campus?

I totally agree with your sentiments.