Our youth minister gave a great lesson last night about being in the world but not of the world. It's a great conversation topic but I left asking myself how well I live it. Do people know I'm a Christian? Do people see that God is most important in my life? Do I seem very different from anyone else?
I keep coming back to the question of whether people really see a difference in my life because I am a child of God's but that might not be the question I need to ask. Maybe "Am I living my life so that when I sing 'I will give you all my worship, I will give you all my praise' or 'boundless love, unending joy' or 'Amazing Grace' I really live what I sing?" And if I am going to sing it, I better live it.
The class discussed hypocrites last night. I've found it so easy for people to tag Christians with the hypocrite label because a Christian does something wrong. I suggest calling them a sinner would be wholly more accurate because all the Christians I know mess up now and again. Yet, I'm not sure hypocrite is the wrong label for me when I profess to put God first, when I profess to be completely His, when I profess to honor and worship him and then don't set my mind, even my heart, to live this way.
I can beat myself up all day but I need to quit blogging and to starting living to what I have been called. I want only to live in the world but to be of God in my life. I hope I get better at it today and tomorrow and every day following. I hope someone will truly see God in me, in my actions and in my words, and they will fall in love with the Creator and the King and accept His matchless grace and love.
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