Thursday, December 08, 2005

There's still a chill in the air. At this moment, the weather station at Decatur HS is reporting a temperature of 10.5 degrees and a wind chill of -6.8 degrees. Yes, that's a NEGATIVE wind chill. I love cold weather and can't wait for it to get here each year but the wind can make it miserable quickly. I'm watching Channel 8 and seeing shots of all the semis and passenger vehicles in some state of distress and glad I live close by to where I have to be.

These bad driving days always remind me of working for a CPA firm in Ft. Worth. When it was like this, very few of the staff would show up. Being one of the newer people and working from the "bullpen", I would often be the only one or one of two to show up. I would leave the house an hour late and would go home a couple of hours early but I was there when the managers or partners who came in needed something and called. It got me some deposits in the emotional bank accounts of those people.

Be careful today if you are out. If you aren't, enjoy the down time and use it to recharge. Have a warm day!

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