Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Are You Taking Me?

I've got the writing blah's this week.

I ask God to lead me and then, when he does, I feel like asking "are you sure you want me to do this?"  I like being led where I want to go but I don't get a big charge out of being led where I don't want to go.  I realize that thinking can land me in the belly of a big fish though so I'm trying to accept what God is calling me to do and to be willing to do it. 

I would seek your prayers that I will answer the call and that I will say the things and do the things that come from God working through me. 

Grace and peace to you.


Rick Ross said...

As Stephen Curtis Chapman put it in his song, "The Great Adventure" -- "Come on, get ready for the time of your life." Journeying with God as our Guide can be a bit scary as we enter places we are not sure of. But if He leads us there -- life has more purpose.

This is coming from a sometimes reluctant follower of the Leader.

bartsirmandvm said...

I pray that prayer for you and for me, as well, brother. Often, I'm arrogant enough to think I know better than God where I should be and what I should be doing. Stupid pride.