Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday To You...

Today is my mom's birthday.  She's 39.  Don't try to do the math if you know how old I am because it won't work.  My mom loves celebrating her birthday and it's often a 3-4 week process with all the lunches and dinners with friends.  Just between you and me, she's seen more than 39 birthdays and quite a bit of interesting history in her day.  I've listened to stories of growing up on the farm and it seems so far removed from the life I have grown up with.  While I'm thankful for conveniences like a bathroom with running water, there are some things about growing up on the farm that I think would be good for people today because I see how it shaped that generation in positive ways.  I suppose every generations has their strengths and weaknesses and maybe we'll see that my generation and future generations have much to offer the future just like my parent's generation has offered us. 

On this day, I hope my mom's day is filled with good wishes, good friends, good food and a Snickers bar.  I love you mom!

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Happy birthday, Mrs. Jones!