Thursday, May 14, 2009


Maybe I'm being repetitive but I'm enjoying the Rangers right now. If you didn't stay up to watch the end of last night's game, you missed a great finish. Offense won the game in the 11th inning but decent pitching and defense kept them in the game. A win today is important because it will lead to the 2nd place Angels coming to town for a weekend series. Go Rangers!

I got to hear a presentation from a friend last Sunday on a recent trip to Ecuador. I think we forget, or maybe don't understand, the conditions that so many people live in around the world. He told us about two children found living on the streets. The brother was out rounding up rotten fruit or whatever he could find to feed his sister and all they had was the rags they wore as clothes. The were brought to an orphanage and for 60 days, they had to take treatments to kill the worms in their stomachs. I can't remember their age but I'm pretty sure they were around 5 and 3 years old at the time. He told us about a boy who came to the orphanage who had been living in a pig sty. He didn't know his name or how old he was so they let him pick his own name. They found out his mother was a prostitute who had left him on the streets to die.

We have our own sad stories too. Kids who have so much that they turn to drugs for excitement and end up overdosing or landing in jail. People who turn to alcohol or other evils because they have lost a job or can't make as much money as they want to.

The world needs God. I watched some more video the other night from the I Am Second website ( and am reminded the depravity we drive ourselves to and the incredible mercy that we find in our Creator. I am so thankful for where I am with God right now and hope my relationship continues to grow bigger and closer and more intimate. It in an incredible journey full of insight, peaks and valleys and hope.

I hope today is filled with His peace and joy for you.

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