Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hard Things

The Rangers loss yesterday...that was a hard thing in a relatively insignificant way. It was hard to watch for a fan but not such a big deal in considering all that is happening in the world.

I was forwarded a video by a missionary friend of mine that is a hard thing to watch. The closer I get to God, the harder this type of video is to watch. Not hard in a sad or disgusting way but hard in that it turns my stomach that people live in the condition they do. At the same time, their thankfulness for scraps speaks volumes about the lives that most of us live. If you've got about 6 minutes, watch this: http://www.cultureunplugged.com/play/1081/Chicken-a-la-Carte

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Wow! I wonder what WE will say to the Lord about this?