Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Little Less Muggy Please

I could use a little less humidity. I'm thankful for the rain but the humidity combined with any temperature over 70 makes me "perspire."

It was a party-party weekend for us. My wife's birthday was last Friday, Father's Day over the weekend and my son's birthday is Wednesday. Add in a nephew and brother-in-law birthday and we rolled it into one big event last Friday night. Woohoo! Great food, great family and friends, a great time.

I'm headed to the Cubs-Rangers game today. It will be fun seeing the Cubs play live (which would only be topped by seeing them at Wrigley) and waiting to see if Pinella blows a gasket of if Sammy hits number 600.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Instead all you got to see was another Rangers' loss. That must have come as quite a shock!