Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I went to the Decatur-Bridgeport basketball game last night. Decatur put a thumping on them so that was a good thing but during the game I heard something that really disappointed me. There are two cheers the Decatur students use, one having the phrase "Haile yeah" (it supposedly refers to an actual student with the last name Haile) and another when a ref makes a 'bad' call where they chant "we got screwed." I brought this up with some people last year and know it made it's way to the Principal. I have not talked to her directly but the alleged response was "what can we do." So I ask, who's running the asylum? It sounds as if it is the inmates.

I understand that teenagers would get a momentary enjoyment from saying these things in public, as a group. I would have probably gladly joined in when I was younger although I would have had to duck so my dad didn't see me saying it. Last night, it just sounded classless. And, in my opinion, makes the school and the administrators look classless.

I could see some schools in our district where this might not be surprising - and maybe some people feel that way about Decatur.

It's disappointing to me that the administrators take the hands-off approach they do but no surprise why the students defend them. If they can't control the situation at the school gym on school property at a school function, it's not a place I'm excited to send my children. I know there are many good educators there, several who care about the kids and will do their best to teach them what is good and bad, right and wrong. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like they get much support from the top.

It's a downer post today but I needed to vent.

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