Monday, October 02, 2006

Mr. Mom

I think I'm going to rent this show for the weekend. I've only seen it once but remember it being pretty funny. I've been thinking about the movie the last few days because my wife is taking a brief trip for a couple of days and the kids and I will be taking care of ourselves. It's not too hard since most every need but actually bathing and eating is taken care of for us before she leaves. I'm glad she is getting away for a few days of fun (??? it's a shopping trip, how fun can it be) and frolicking (I think it's still 180 degrees outside). It's a good time for us too because we get a very visible reminder of all the things she does for us that far too often get taken for granted.

To my wife, thank you for all you do for us. We can make it for a few days but wouldn't want you gone any longer. Have fun and feel free to spend up to $20 on anything you like! :)

P.S. Be wary of some of your traveling companions. They look like they can get a little wild when they are out of town.


Rick Ross said...

Jeff Jones: Last of the big spenders.

I thought Dennis' comments yesterday were right on target. May I add to it: You are a "deacon" -- meaning "servant." Mowing our grass would serve us well.

Jeff said...

I would do that but I also do not want either of you to suffer from bad health and I fear coming to mow your yard would cause you to sit around gaining weight and making your life more difficult. If you would like, I can offer up a prayer that you find the strength and energy to mow your yard and be healthy.

I believe Dennis is a deacon/servant also so he can mow your yard. Since you are the minister and most visible, I think it would enhance your ministry greatly if people saw you mowing my yard.

I can spin it a few more ways too!