Friday, April 07, 2006

It's Friday Again

It's another Friday and I feel myself already mentally decompressing early in the day. That's not a good sign for productive work but I'm sure I'll battle through it. Do you have those days when you just want to sit still, maybe even sleep a little, and let the world spin while you do not? It seems we are on the go all the time. I think sometimes we have reached a point where we do so much, we can't sit still because we feel like we are robbing time from something we should be doing. Yet we do, do, do and then feel guilty when we are not doing something. Yet, peace and stillness and quiet are tools to regenerate, recharge, be introspective, contemplate and formulate. Taking these times can truly make us more efficient and happier, more productive and supportive. In business, we often say you have to quit working in your business so you can work on your business. I get caught up in all that I need to do without taking the time to think about what is truly important, what I really need to get done and making a plan to do that.

I need quiet time with God too. I get so busy that I spend too little time with God, too little time contemplating His desire for me, to recharge and be prepared for the opportunities He presents me. I need to spend more time thinking about how to live out His will instead of just doing the things I always do. He has great plans for us if we will seek Him and His wisdom.

I hope you get to spend some time in peace and quiet soon. Use it well.

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