Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More Pruning

On Christmas Eve, I was talking to my dad outside the house and he began talking about a flower bed that's in the middle of the yard.  He was telling me how the plants quit growing and even though they watered more, it didn't help because so much stuff had built up around the plant's roots.  When they pulled all the mulch and bark and other stuff out of the bed and cut the plants down dramatically did the plants began accepting water and growing. 

I couldn't help but be reminded that is how life is for most of us.  At some point, we have to be cut down and have all the stuff pulled out from around us because we aren't accepting what can help us grow.  We have to be pruned so we can grow and blossom more brilliantly.  It's not a new lesson but one that was good to be reminded of. 

Grace and peace to you.

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