Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I've always thought Wednesday was spelled funny.
I missed a Tuesday post. Wow, what a busy day.
I both enjoy and can't stand athletic practices that start early in the morning.
Did anyone see the pictures of Bud Adams, the Titans owner, shooting the middle finger at the Buffalo crowd over the weekend? I wonder what was going through his mind.
It's basketball season. I went to a middle school game Monday and high school game on Tuesday. Fun stuff.

I'm still in Crazy Love but have the chapter on Lukewarm Christians floating around in my head. It's good stuff to think about and makes for a great self-exam. I'm sharing parts of it here that speak to me because of the road I have traveled through life. I'm talking to myself in what I write here but I hope it might help someone else who is or was captured with a misguided focus on what's important for today.

Lukewarm people feel secure because they attend church, made a profession of faith at age twelve, were baptized, come from a Christian family, vote Republican or live in America. Just as the prophets of the Old Testament warned Israel that they were not safe just because they lived in the land of Israel, so we are not safe just because we wear the label "Christian" or because some people persist in calling us a "Christian nation." Crazy Love p. 78

Amen, brother. I'm inundated by emails supporting the notion that our founding fathers were Christians. Well, great, but what are the people of this country doing today to be Christ-like? A history lesson is great but it doesn't reach the lost, it doesn't clothe the naked or feed the hungry or take care of the sick. I think the danger of calling our land a Christian nation is that we become just like the Jews who thought Jesus was there for a physical revolution. Does my effort to be Christ-like depend on what country I live in?

The new thing I'm starting to see are the protests of Obama or whoever the target of the day is taking Christ out of Christmas. Right or wrong, I'm more concerned about taking Christ out of Christian. I don't remember the Jesus that complained about the government or the school district or other entities. I do read about the Jesus that spent his time and efforts on building the kingdom of God one lost soul at a time.

I pray my life begins to look more like his.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Sounds like a good book.