Monday, November 02, 2009

On the Mountain Top

I spent the weekend in the woods of East Texas with 50-60 youth from our church. I slept on a piece of plywood with a piece of covered foam on it. I shared a bathhouse with 20-30 7th-12th graders, ate camp meals and didn't have a diet Dr. Pepper or diet Coke for the better part of 2 days and it was one of the best weekends I've ever experienced. It was my 3rd retreat with our youth group and everyone of them has been similar to a mountain top experience for me - a spiritual high where I feel the presence of God ever so close.

Along with some great kids, we have some very loving and caring adults who have a burning desire to bring these kids closer to God. I know some of them are getting it now and others will take longer but all of them are being filled with the knowledge of who God is and what kind of relationship he wants with everyone of us.

One of the kids made the comment that they wish they could just stay there because of how it helps them respond to God. I know the feeling and wonder if some of those monks haven't figured it out. Good or bad, we are back to the real world and the regular obstacles of life that work to pull us away from God. I am praying that we have a new level of strength to defend ourselves from the evil that is lurking - waiting on us to fall.

Grace and peace to you.

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