Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I don't like going to the doctor very much. I don't like going for X-rays or whatever else it is I have to go get today either. It gives me the feeling something is wrong and I don't care much to feel that way. The pain makes it obvious but I can live with the pain thinking it will go away and everything will be OK.

Going to church is like that sometimes. I don't want to go because I'll see that something is wrong with me. I rather hope that the pain will go away. Our preacher preaches a sermon and I ask "how did he know that about me?" Teachers teach classes and I read scripture thinking "I'm not really like that person am I?"

I suppose all in all, it's good to get the diagnosis so the problem can be cured. We just have to decide whether to take the therapy recommended by the doctor. If we do, we'll feel better and be healthier.

I'm guessing my tests today will reveal that I need to get some therapy, maybe do specialized exercises, possbily take some medicine or (yuk) require something more involved. I don't know but I'll soon find out. I'm thankful that God's medicine usually includes a lot of love and a double meaure of grace. It makes me feel good. It tastes good going down and when I let the medicine work, I can feel the curative powers throughout my mind, my body and my soul.


Rick Ross said...

You encourage me with your attitude toward God and His Word. I am praying today that your tests go well. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jeff said...

Thanks Dennis. I'm sure the foot long would help in this situation but not sure my internal organs could handle it every time the back pain flares up.