Tuesday, November 01, 2005

After an evening of dinner, talking and laughing, I've found that some of my friends are a bit odd. Like the one friend who has a weight bench for a boat seat. And the guy who meets strange men in parking lots. Then there's the "picking up the mower in the barn story". OK, you had to be there to hear the whole story(ies) but it did include a lot of laughing.
I had a blast last night. Kelly and I were eating with two other couples who are both our friends, but more importantly our brothers and sisters in Christ. Then, another couple from church comes in and then two more couples come in. As we were getting ready to leave, I listened to all the talking and laughing and wondered what it was going to sound like when we walked out. I bet it got quite and the atmosphere, the mood, of the room changed.
That's just the way it is when we are connecting with our Christian family. It's a time of joy and gladness, love and laughter. Even in sorrow, we have each other and we hold on to each other. Isn't that what you want for your family? Our God, our Creator has given us this family that is so special, so loving and so caring and when they are not there, it's quiet.
I am a person who doesn't care to talk much, who enjoys my time alone, who could go most of the day without talking to anyone. But I never take for granted that I have my family nearby, that I have so many brothers and sisters in Christ to spend joyous times with, to spend sad times with and in all times, they lift me up, they strengthen me.
I want to thank God for giving me such a wonderful family and I want to thank my family for showing me God through their lives.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Isn't Christian community incredible? I love the way you described it! We are especially blessed with it at the Decatur Church.