Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I'm listening to Third Day and thinking about Lynard Skynard as I write this so Freebird just seemed like the right title for the moment.

I'm on my way to NYC and hoping for 0 plane problems and good weather.  Nothing like a software conference to get me jazzed up.  Woohoo!  I am planning on sneaking in a Yankees game so getting to see Yankee stadium will make it a little better.

I don't like the Yankees but can't cheer for the Blue Jays either so I'll just be there to soak in the sights.

I'm not excited about missing class tonight.  It's going to be a great night of prayer and sharing among our youth group.  I love just getting to watch them and see God at work in their hearts.

I start school next Monday.  YIKES!  I did get a 100 in the Student Orientation program but it was really simple.  I doubt all the projects will be so generous.  I'm excited but also a bit nervous.  My first round of school wasn't a great experience on the grading front but I think my motivations are a bit different now. 

I'm so thankful for friends that challenge me to be a better person and a better Christ-follower.  I'll ask you to pray for some friends who are doing great things in the kingdom with people that most would overlook and pray that their efforts will be fruitful.  I hope to join them again soon and be the hands and feet of Jesus to suffering people. 

That is all for today.  Unless something fascinating happens in the next two days I'm likely done blogging until next week. 

Grace and peace to you.


Unknown said...

You're going to the Big Apple...something fascinating could happen.

Have a good trip.

Rick Ross said...

Well, Jesus descended into hell. So I guess it is OK for you to go to Yankee stadium.

You will do great in school!