Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Madness

The fires in West Texas this weekend were horrible to watch on TV.  Over 80,000 acres burned and the fire was 0% contained at one point Saturday night.  On Sunday night there was a bunch of wet stuff falling out of the air.  I still haven't identified what it is. 

The government almost shut down last week.  I think it would be great if we could lay off Congress for a year.  The whole uproar about all the bad things that "could" happen with the government shut down was a bunching of meaningless murmuring to me as I reflect on school teachers being laid off and children potentially losing educational opportunities.

I have 0% faith in our current government.  There isn't a politician I trust and you can't sustain a country with trillions of dollars in debt.  Someone will have to pay and I believe it will be our enemies picking up the tab as they take over a country that was founded on principles and sacrifices that our current legislators have forsaken.

I'm thankful my full faith and trust is resting on one who is greater than this country and greater than anything this world can offer or take away.

And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll.
It is well with my soul.

They sang this song at the funeral of 14 year-old Travis Sitzman last week and I thought it a perfect hymn to sing during such a time when what has happened cannot be understood.  I want to live a life so wrapped up in God that whatever happens, good or bad, understood or confusing, it will be well with my soul.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm with you on the government thing. I don't know if I have 0% faith in them, but I'm disgusted.

But that's not where I put my true faith either.

It is well.