Friday, April 01, 2011

Fascinating Day

Wednesday was fascinating.  It was a day of highs and a day of lows.

I enjoy seeing what God can do.  I was in a study with 3 other guys who have seen hard times, who have not stood up to the challenges the evil one placed before them but who have walked the road back towards a loving father who is ready to embrace them.  No matter what comes my way, to have a day where I can be surrounded by people who want to pursue a relationship with God is an encouraging day.

God has already overcome evil and with his help, I can overcome it too.  My time with guys who are overcoming the lure of sin by learning to rely daily on God, a little more each day, is time that encourages me to do the chase the heart of God with passion.

Thank you Lord for letting me see what you can do in hearts that are open to your ways.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Even though I probably do not know the three other guys, I'm thankful for the role you're playing in God's pursuit of them.