Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pain Free

There has never nor will there ever be enough Tylenol to rid the world of pain.  I hear it in the story of the family that adopted and had started raising two little boys after thay had watched their dad shoot their mom before he fled for Mexico only to have other family members who had never seen the children want to adopt them simply for the money.  I hear it in the words written on a blog by a young lady who is filling her days with busyness for fear of feeling guilty for resting.  I hear it in the words of friends and family who are struggling with issues ranging from work to family to illness to unexplainable loss.  I feel it in my own life. 

I wish Johnson & Johnson could create a pill that just makes the pain go away and stay away but such is not the case.

There is a day coming when the pain will disappear, when all will be right and the things we cannot understand or explain today will not be a concern.  No more illness or emotional distress or mental disorders.  No more war, no more murder.

Simply joy and peace forever.  Praise and worship and the presence of the Almighty God.  That is a day to look forward to.

Grace and peace to you.

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