Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Mindless Ramblings

I don't have much to offer today so now's your chance to escape.

I hear something big is happening at Pebble Beach this week.  Any ideas?

Lakers/Celtics is going to Game 7.  I might finally watch my 3rd NBA game of the year.  Might.

How about Matt Treanor?  The Rangers picked him up to be a spare catcher in case of emergency and he's delivered at least 2 or 3 game winning hits this year. 

My son played his first high school level baseball game last night and got his first hit, first RBI, first HBP (hit by pitch), first walk and first strikeout.  His comment, "well, now I need my first double, triple and home run."  Keep swinging, kid.  You'll get it.

I got a vuvuzela app for my iPhone. 

I wonder if the TempurPedic cloud really works? 

I'm thankful for good friends, the people you can share anything with and they still love you, pray for you and support you. 

The group from our church who went to Ecuador are on the downhill run today.  It's their tourist day before getting things wrapped up tomorrow and flying back on Friday.  Please continue to pray that the work they have done has left seeds planted so that God will be glorified and His kingdom will grow and that they have a safe journey back to their homes and families.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Make sure your vuvuzela doesn't go off in church.

I'm excited for Josh!

You have watched more basketball than I have. All I know is I would pull against the Lakers if they were playing Iran (maybe not that drastic, but close).

Pebble Beach? What?