Monday, March 01, 2010

Holiday's Over Already?

I just realized it is March 1.  I'm not sure what that says about me but have had several thoughts run through my head and none have happy answers.  I'm not organizationally ready to start blogging again today so I will fill this space with rambling thoughts.

I have been making a list of ideas and will start rolling those out in the next few days.  Exciting, huh?

OK, for excitement, the Rangers start intrasquad scrimmages today.  That means baseball is close! 

My son's team played this weekend and while the record didn't indicate success, the play on the field was really good and he had a great tournament. 

More rain today.  Yippee.

Do you ever have a lunch with someone where the conversation is so good you are thinking about it for days?  I had one of those Friday with a good friend.  Stuff we talked about is still bouncing around in my brain and it keeps bringing me back to one central thought - the power and majesty of God is indescribable.  Even though I continue to try and verbalize what God is doing in my life and in others, my efforts are weak to effectively describe God.

I hope to get rolling soon but there's too much to do today.

Grace and peace to you.

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