Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Talking Prayer and Politics

One last thing from last Sunday (I think) was a great comment made by Richard Ross who was preaching.  He said something to this affect, too much of our prayer time sounds like an "organ recital" and not a talk with God about the real issues.  Our prayers need to be focused on the spiritual, not the physical.  We often spend more time praying for hearts, arms, knees, kidneys - the organ recital - than we do on things spiritual and it needs to be the other way around.  Do we think God cares more about us sustaining life on this earth or preparing ourselves to enter the next life, heaven?  God put us here for a purpose but it wasn't to be healthy, wealthy and wise but to embody His spirit and His heart and His desire for humanity.  That's where I prayer life needs to be centered, not to the exclusion of praying for things we do care about, but as the overwhelming topic of prayer.

Last I heard, President Obama wanted a bi-partisan group to craft the new health plan.  Today, I hear the Democrats are using some tricky procedure (that the Republican's have used plenty of times before) to get a health plan pushed through.  Sounds like Obama isn't as interested in bi-partisan answers as he is answers.  I understand a President who wants to get his agenda passed but I do not appreciate a President who says who has heard the people and then carries on in the same manner as before. 

I'll finish a bit more light-hearted - the Rangers are having a tough spring but spring isn't where championships are won, only started.  I'm concerned about Josh Hamilton's health problems only because I want him to succeed but it sounds like the pieces are starting to fall into place.  It appears Chris Davis learned from last year's mistake of resting on his laurels and his working hard.  Michael Young is still Michael Young, Kinsler needs to heal his ankle and Vlad needs to keep hitting crazy pitches.  I'm excited to see what they can do this year but my expectations are tempered.

When you pray today, remember to pray for God's will to be the one thing we can all fulfill in our lives.

Grace and peace to you.

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