Friday, March 19, 2010

Talking Sports and Other Stuff

Whew!  The misery on TV called Longhorn basketball is over.  They made me think they could put it together and then blew it in the last seconds of overtime.  So much talent and they totally fell apart through the year.

I'm pulling for Villanova now.  I read an article on Scottie Reynolds and he sounds like a true class-act.  I'm sure there are others but he's my fan favorite now.  I'm predicting Kansas will beat West Virginia for the championship.

Ron Washington.  Wow.  Anyone else wanting to line up to throw stones at the man?  The reporting makes it sound like he's the first guy in baseball to admit to wrongdoing and I think that is symptomatic of our society right now.  High profile figures admit to doing something wrong and people (who most likely have just as many flaws) and reporters line up to castigate them.  I have empathy for Ron and Tiger and all the steroids guys, not condoning what they have done but clearly understanding the battle against evil they face.  I don't understand all the people railing against them as if they don't have their own battles and sins to confess.

I was talking to a friend the other day discussing the idea that there is more evil oppression on people and churches than at any other time in our life.  Maybe it's only because our eyes are opening to the spiritual battle or maybe it's because of what lies ahead of us but pain and torment sure seem more evident today than I remember.  I have theories on what that means but I know this - trusting and following the will of God is the only path that leads to peace and joy.  I hope He will continue to strengthen me and use me to help others find the Way.

Grace and peace to you.

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