Monday, March 22, 2010


I'm stuck trying to decide who to pull for during the remainder of March Madness.  I'm a Duke guy at heart so they will likely get my vote but I think it will come down to Kentucky and Syracuse.  Speaking of Baylor (huh?), I think Scott Drew is a very underrated coach.  What he's done with the Baylor program has been amazing.  He should be able to name his price to stay there and he seems like a guy who would name a reasonable price.  I hope he will write a book one day.

I'm stuck on the theme of hardship and suffering.  I wish I wasn't, I really do, but I see it more and more in my life and all around me.  

"You can't live an inspiring life without hardship." - Donald Miller

How many of us are inspired by the story of the guy who lives in a great middle-class family, goes to college, marries a nice girl, gets a good job and drives a Volvo?  BORING.  No, we are inspired by the young black man living on the streets who makes it to the NFL because of a good family.  We are inspired by a wealthy white family that takes a chance on a homeless kid so they can give him a better life.  We are inspired by a family reeling in agony by the death of a child who had inspired hundreds in life and thousands through unexplainable hardship.  We're inspired by the baseball player who's trying to overcome drug addiction and his wife who has overcome bitterness and now speak boldly about the love of God in their lives.  Those are the people who inspire us to be better, to walk closer to Christ. 

I'm under attack by Satan and I feel it.  I feel it in the core of my being and know he is waiting for an opening, waiting to find me vulnerable and he's very good at what he does.  Praise God that He loads us up with the Holy Spirit.  We are responsible to call on the Spirit and when we do there is power to stand strong that is unexplainable. 

I'm stuck on trying to find the path that allows me to follow God daily, moment-by-moment.  I want desperately to seek God's will, to hear His voice, to know where He wants me to go, what He wants me to do, to say the things He wants me to say. 

I need you LORD.  Fill me up with strength and wisdom so I will see things as you want me to see them.  I'm weak and I need the power that comes only from you.  I'm scared and I need the courage that comes only from you.  I praise you because you never leave, you never let go, you always love unconditionally.  I want people to see your love in me and flowing out of me.  Use me.  Make me your instrument on earth.

Grace and peace to you.

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