Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wandering Wondering

I posted a blog a few days ago about the Israelites wandering around for 40 years often questioning or forgetting who God is and what he had done for them. I get it. I wander around wondering what is going on and forget that God is sovereign, forgetting that he will lead me if I will let him, forgetting what he has done for me in the past because I'm thinking about what I want right now, forgetting about the promise that is ahead of me and losing focus on what is most important because I get focused on me.

It's so easy to get distracted. The Israelites didn't have easy access to TV, movies, sports, computers, cars, food and a million other things that might distract us today but they still got distracted. Maybe it was the lack of anything like that leaving too much time to think about themselves where I just dive into something that will take my mind off in a different direction from where it needs to be set.

Jeremy Camp sings a song that goes something like this - give me Jesus, give me Jesus. In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus. In the day when I'm all alone, give me Jesus. In the end, when I die, give me Jesus.

Grace and peace to you.

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