Thursday, October 21, 2010

What The World Needs Now...

Living without constant Internet access has been a new experience.  I've grown to expect it and now, not having it, I feel lost at times.  I almost get the feeling I should pick up a book and start reading again.  Old school.

I'm going to Game 6 tomorrow night. 

What the world needs now is love, sweet love.  Wasn't that a song from way back in the day?  Anyway, love would be great but in the meantime just being kinder would be a great start.  Following is a link to Rick Ross' post today about kindness.  It just struck a chord with me this morning so I share it with you.
Followers of Kindness

Grace and peace to you.


Rick Ross said...

You lucky dog! I think you could practice kindness by giving me your ticket.

Jeff said...

I was talking about other people being kinder, not me. :)