Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Need. Sleep.

The Rangers play tomorrow for all the marbles.  I wish I felt better about it.

Charity: Water.  Check it out at www.charitywater.org.  This is an organization that has a great story and is doing a great work.  I heard the founder speak at Catalyst East 2010 last week and it was a great experience that makes me want to do much, much more to help the world.  I'll probably have more to say about Charity: Water in the coming days/weeks.

I want to give more money away.  I've heard of people recently who are trying to build their budget so they can give 50% of their income away.  One of the first comments I hear from people in the church is "but, what about _____________________?"  You can fill in the blank with retirement, emergency funds, college funds, etc.  The question I want to ask myself is "how am I going to get there?" 

I'm frustrated I can't help a friend break through a wall in his relationship with God.  I have to keep reminding myself that it is his relationship and he has to own it.  I can't do it for him but I sure want to because I know the pain he is in now and I know there is a way out.  I pray God gives me the words to say to him that will help him check his ego and fall on his face before the Lord.

Separation from the people you love the most is hard.  I wish I could re-write history in a more favorable script for my life but I don't have yesterday anymore and I don't have tomorrow yet...just today.  While my pain doesn't subside a great deal, I pray that I will walk the path God has for me today and that I will align my desire with His good and perfect plan for me.

I heard a great message this past Sunday.  I love Romans and the many, many messages that are there to lift me up and draw me closer to God. 

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I may need to borrow one line here..."I don't have yesterday anymore and I don't have tomorrow yet." I will focus on the "yet". Such a powerful little word...full of anticipation.