Thursday, May 27, 2010

Video Preaching

Rob Bell is one of my favorite communicators.  Rob is the Pastor for the Mars Hill church in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the guy who does the NOOMA videos as well as many other speaking engagements around the world.  He has a gift for putting big, deep thoughts into simple, short messages.  I have used some of his videos as a teaching aid and have borrowed some of his sermon thoughts for classes I have taught.  Anyway, there are more and more preachers and churches turning to video to assist with sharing ideas, both in sermons and outside the normal meeting times and I often enjoy the provoking thoughts that come from them.

One such video was recently released by Josh Ross.  Josh is the preacher at the Sycamore View Church of Christ in Memphis, TN and even though I don't know him all that well, someone I consider a friend and one of the next great communicators for God.  I have learned a lot from Josh over the past few years through his blog and some of his sermons I have been able to hear.  His greatest claim to fame is being a son of Rick (another one of my favorite communicator of God's message) and Beverly Ross (a gifted communicator and wonderful family counselor), dear friends of mine.  Josh has some great thoughts in his video about what freedom means for us.  Enjoy!

Grace and peace to you.


MichelleYates said...

wow, that video was amazing, very touching, very freeing....thank you for sharing.

S P Hughes said...

That was a great message. I'm going to have to put his name at the top of our search list.