Tuesday, May 25, 2010

So Long Jack Bauer

24 broadcast the last episode on Monday night.  It's a show I came to late but got caught up in the rough world of Jack Bauer, a U.S. counter-terrorism operative who found the people who did not want to be found, extracted information from people who did not want to share information and who eliminated people who didn't want to play nice.  In many ways, Bauer epitomized who almost every man wants to be, a warrior who is willing to do whatever necessary to obtain positive results.  There are many lessons to be learned from Bauer, some negative and some positive.  For instance, Jack could be overbearing with people, whether friend or foe.  On the other hand, his willingness to go and fight whatever evil when necessary is exactly what many of us wish we could do.  I will miss 24 and Jack Bauer, not the extreme violence that started to permeate this last season, but the hero, the guy who would fight against the bad folks to protect us and keep us safe.

As I say that, I wonder if the appeal isn't partially because Bauer reminds us of someone we need, someone who will protect us, someone who will sacrifice everything to protect us from the evil that wants to snare us and destroy us.

I don't have the relationship I want with God...yet.  It's getting better but there are still days I feel like I'm drifting through life trying to deal with my problems and disappointments and forgetting to bring God in, to seek his help, protection and guidance.  Today is a better day because that is what I did to start my day and I feel a sense of peace I didn't have yesterday.  Today is a better day because God is involved from the get-go.
Grace and peace to you.


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