Monday, May 10, 2010

In Christ Alone - The Source

In Christ alone, my hope is found...

I love this song.  I heard it for the first time during one of the darkest periods I have known and it has become a source of strength for me.  I get emotional every time I sing it because the words conjure up so many feelings about the power and strength and love and compassion of my Savior.

In Christ alone.  There is no where else to find hope.  Or life.  In Christ alone, through his life as man, his victory over temptation and evil, his caring and concern for the least of society, his teaching and patience, through his death and his Christ alone can I find hope.  Can you imagine this world without Jesus?  Can you imagine if President Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, or Bush, Reagan, Carter, if any of these people were supposed to be what gave me hope?  Can you imagine if we were supposed to find hope in our neighbors, our friends, our family?  Can you imagine if we had to live a life full of hope from people who hurt us, let us down, disappointed us at times?  I know if people were pinning all their hope on me, they would experience some hard times but that's not the case with Jesus, the Savior.  Put all your hope in him and the rewards will be more than I can possibly describe.  Put all your hope in him and know you will be in the presence of God one day.

In Christ alone, my hope is found...

Grace and peace to you.


Unknown said...

In Christ alone, my hope is found.

He is my light, my strength, my song.

Rick Ross said...

My new motto: All my eggs are in that one basket.