Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Another day, another link to a video.

Over the past several months, I have found myself listening to several sermon podcasts. I listened while mowing through the summer, able to catch a couple of them in one session. It's more difficult now but I still listen while driving and when I have a little downtime. I have found a few preachers that consistently bring strong messages from the word of God. Rick Ross, I listen to the sermons I miss and several I have already heard before to catch everything I missed the first time. Rob Bell, always great things to say straight from the word mixed with some great humor about the human condition. Matt Chandler, a local guy who delivers the message with power (he refers to it as shouting sometimes but it's pure urgent passion). There are others, some sharing the church of Christ heritage with me, others not but they share a passion for Christ that I have come to cling to with much more fervor than ever before. I can live with our doctrinal differences because I know from these men's words that they are for the cause of Christ. (I'm a strong believer in Mark 9:40-41.)

Matt Chandler preaches at the Highland Village Church in Flower Mound. His words have been an encouragement to me at times, a challenge at times and a comfort from the Lord often. He found out right around Thanksgiving that he has a brain tumor and recently had surgery. Here is his video message before the surgery.


My prayers go to Matt and his family and also that I will have the strength to serve God no matter what the trials are, no matter what fears they might cause because I know that God is with me always, loves me always and has prepared a place for me beyond imagination.

Grace and peace to you.

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