Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Let It Snow

Happy Birthday LeBron. Happy Birthday Tiger.

One of my darling children was texting me last night to find out when I was coming home from work. When I talked to the darling child, he asked if I wanted to play his new video game when I got home. Sure! Great! As I pulled up in the driveway, 2 darling children were hiding in the trees with snowballs at the ready. Sneaky kids.

The snow was beautiful yesterday. I didn't like driving in the ice too much last Thursday but loved seeing the snow on the ground this week. Being that we are in Texas, it's already melting away from yesterday very quickly.

2010 is a couple of days away. I am wondering what the next year will bring more than I ever have and I am praying that my resolution will be lived out each day. LORD, reign in me.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

It's humbling to be set up -- and fall for it -- by your kids.

I love the snow! It's hard to work while it's coming down, because I become hypnotized by it.