Friday, December 04, 2009


Where's your focus? Too often, mine is only on today, on what I want now, on how I feel now, on what I want to say now. Saying that, I understand I need to live in the moment but I believe to live in the moment, I must see the bigger picture. For me to have clarity in the moment, I believe I must have a solid focus on what lies ahead of me for eternity. I wish I had better words to explain what I'm thinking or maybe I just haven't thought through it enough to verbalize it well but in my life, I see that my focus has often been on how I feel or what I want today. I want to be happy today. I want to feel good about myself today. I get caught up in today and forget the bigger picture and forget what God has planned for me. When I can stay focused on eternity with God, I can see today much more clearly, I can fight the battles much easier, I can rejoice in the victory with excitement and joy.

Christ didn't come to earth and die so that we might have happiness, health, prosperity, a good family, close friends. Christ came to die so we could spend an eternity with God and all the rewards that come with it. Christ didn't come to make today better for us, he came to give us the keys to eternity. I want to live every moment knowing that my eternity is secure, that all that really matters has already been taken care of for me. Knowing that, I can live in today with confidence and peace.

I'm ending Friday with a little social commentary/humor. I wonder how Rick will deal with this one?

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

I have a sneaking suspicion that you already know.