Monday, December 07, 2009

In Need of Levity

I need a little levity this morning so I bring you this video. It's 5 minutes + but it takes that time to first introduce this father-son duo and get a feel for the judges skepticism to really enjoy the ending. I hope it entertains you.

We have been studying spiritual warfare in our Sunday morning Bible class. I have begun to understand spiritual warfare over the past few years and while I have miles to go in learning, appreciate what God has opened my eyes to. It's so much easier to deal with things in life when you understand who satan is and what he is doing to tear us away from God. It's also become much easier to understand full submission to God and the peace that is available there. In the darkest and most trying times, I can now find peace where I once only saw destruction and I can now engage in the battle knowing I have the spirit of God with me to help me and to lead me.

I was struck by the idea of how important submission to God is in seeing the battle and surviving the battle. God gives me the gift of his spirit to take care of me if I submit to God. I can make choices that are in opposition to God and the spirit won't stop me but when I seek God, the spirit will lead me in the right direction.

One of the beautiful traits of God is that you can seek him and submit to him and he will love you (as he always as) regardless of what your past has been like and regardless of how much more you need to "clean up". By living in submission to him, God takes care of the cleaning through his spirit, his love and his mercy.

Grace and peace to you.

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