Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Tonight is another debate between the presidential candidates and I hope I get to see it. I've got a meeting out of town tonight and not sure I'll be done by the time it starts. I kind of like the town hall format better but I wish the moderator would not ask another question until the candidates (both of them) answer the question that was asked. It's the one thing that causes me not to put much stock in what any of them say - making up an answer they want to give instead of answering a direct question. Politics.

Red Sox and Rays. Dodgers and Phillies. They all have some good stories going for them.

I got to speak at the 7th/8th grade FCA breakfast this morning. It's sort of odd seeing all these kids that I've see grow up because it reminds me I'm not getting any younger. On the other hand, it's neat to see them growing into young men and women.

I had 10 minutes to speak and as is typical for me, had 30 minutes worth of ideas to talk about but kept it short. The 8th graders have to go practice as soon as the breakfast is wrapped up so the coaches don't won't long-talkers. :)

On the road again...

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

I know the kids were blessed by your words today.

i hope to watch the "debate" tonight too.