Monday, August 11, 2008

Whew...Glad That's Over

Yesterday I had the opportunity to make a presentation to our church about our trip to Brazil. Because I have gained so much from my trips to Aracaju, I was excited to do it but getting up in front of a crowd on Sunday morning still makes me pretty nervous. I thought I had it worked out to go about 25 minutes and no more but I have a problem with thinking of stuff I want to say as I go sometimes so I ended up going longer than planned. Fortunately, our song leader and planned for my rambling and cut the song service a bit shorter than normal. All that to say, there is so much more I wish I could have shared, so many experiences that have impacted so many lives, so many moments seeing people do things to help others, to make them laugh, to lift them up but that could take a lot of time.

Our church is a wonderful place. I feel hearts busting open to God's desire all the time and the effort and assistance that was given to help us get to Brazil and hold us up while we were there is a wonderful glimpse into the hearts of our church. My focus on yesterday was about the body of Christ that meets at the Decatur Church of Christ that is impacting lives in Wise County and around the world. It is a body that is working for God, a body that lives in the grace of God.

I'm glad my presentation is over but even happier, more joyful, that the work that will be done for the kingdom will keep going and keep growing from right here in little ol' Decatur, Texas.


Rick Ross said...

I loved the way you weaved information about the trip to Brazil in with us being the Body. Great!

Melissa Taylor said...

Your presentation was great - I am glad we were able to share our trip with our brothers and sisters here. What a great trip. Thanks for all you do for missions!