Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The End of Summer

We're in Day 2 of school which is hard to believe. College football kicks off this weekend and the Friday night lights for high school football cranks up in the next week or so. The Rangers have folded up again though they did finally win one against Kansas City last night. The Cowboys are the talk for most people around town. Yep, summer is about over and fall is on the way. Here's to hoping it brings cool days and crisp nights and plenty of wins for our teams.

I mention football only because it is the biggest sport of fall but our high school volleyball teams have already played a number of games and our cross country team kicks it off this weekend.

Did anyone watch the Democratic convention last night? I caught Michelle Obama's speech and Barak's interaction with her afterward. I was struck by how many "holes" there seemed to be in their talking giving me the feeling they are much more nervous and not quite as cool as their handlers would hope for. Ms. Obama had several pauses in her speech in mid-sentence and when Barak appeared on the screen, he couldn't remember if he was in Kansas City or St. Louis.

I sure couldn't pull it off but I expected a little more seamlessness from him than what I saw last night. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hammering Obama or saying he's a bad guy - just not as polished as I was expecting to see.

I think the next 2 weeks are going to be media crazy. The Republicans have a "war room" set up near the Democratic convention so they can respond and attack at the drop of a hat. I'm not too sure "war room" is the best terminology for the Republicans to use in the midst of such dissension on the troops being in Iraq but what do I know?


Rick Ross said...

Every year at this time I say I am going to get more into college football. Maybe this will be the year. I used to really look forward to the Cowboys -- but they don't excite me any more.

But the Ryder Cup is coming up in a couple of weeks!

Melissa Taylor said...

I noticed during the DNC that everyone seemed so "political". They are look like politicians, you know? Politics is not really my cup of tea, but it sure will be interesting as November approaches.