Thursday, August 21, 2008

Old Friends

I got to see John Scott last night and while it was brief, it was fun to spend just a little time visiting with him. John preaches at Saturn Road Church of Christ in Garland but I met him 20 years ago in Fort Worth when I moved there for an accounting job. John was preaching at Southside where I attended on some sort of basis (not frequent enough at the time!). John always caught me at the back doors while I was trying to hurry out and made me feel comfortable and glad I came. Even when I missed a couple of weeks, he would make sure and catch me before I got out the doors. His love for me led me in a path I needed to be taking and over the years, he has become a very special person in my life. I started teaching a Bible class when he left for Garland and while I didn't want to do it at the time I see now that his move started me in a Bible study that I might have avoided otherwise. He is someone I was around for only a short time but who has made a big impact on my life. I am thankful that God led us to cross paths because I am better for it.

I am getting more and more emails about politics and religion. You would think McCain is one of the original apostles and Obama is Satan himself. What I hear is that God will be pleased if McCain is elected while Obama will drag us to the gates of Hell.

Here's my trouble with all these emails and it's my opinion alone. Walk away thinking I'm a fruit loop if you want! The United States is not a Christian nation. (How's that for a bold statement?) God called each one of us to follow Him. He didn't call our country or our government or our politicians (in their role as a politician) to live in His will but he called you and me. Can I be in an uproar about government legislating prayer in schools if I don't pray with my kids on a regular basis, if I don't help the suffering around me, if I don't see people through Christ's eyes instead of my own?

I will not be defined by who is elected President of the United States. Instead, I will be defined by how my life measures up to that of my great example - Jesus, my Lord and my Savior. Oh, I certainly have a LONG way to go to be the person I need to be but my focus will be on me and what I need to do to be right with Christ instead of what Barack Obama has or hasn't done.

1 comment:

Bev Ross said...

Amen! Powerful word, Jeff! Thanks for sharing.