Monday, August 18, 2008

Rain, Rain, Rain

It's raining in Decatur, Texas and the temperature is in the 70's. I can't help but think it will go away soon and we will be living with highs in the 100's soon but I am enjoying today.

The Rangers have gone in the tank. Tom Hicks was quoted as saying that paying for free agent pitchers is the biggest gamble in baseball and he wants to cultivate the talent they have in the minors. Uh, Tom...isn't paying hundreds of millions of dollars for a professional sports team a gamble already? Wasn't paying A-Rod $250 million a gamble? Picking up Milton Bradley? It's all a gamble but buying free agent (proven) talent isn't the same gamble as being able to prepare your own pitchers (which the Rangers have never done). Let's see, we heard all about John Danks and Edison Volquez and where are they? Danks is doing well for the White Sox and Volquez actually made the All-Star game. Yep, the Rangers do a great job developing their own talent.

I'm going to go scream now.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

With the extended forecast pushing close to September with no 100s in the picture, could it be that we are having an early Fall? How nice is this!