Friday, February 01, 2008

That's the Truth

I was reading a blog the other day written about prayer and being ready for what God has in store for us. One of the truths I've come to grips with is that God answers my prayer but it may not be the answer I want and it may affect my life in ways I didn't think about. Sometimes, these changes are good, other times they can be a little painful. I've found that through diligent prayer God has stretched me, pushed me in ways I didn't necessarily want to go, accept things I may not have wanted to accept and work through things I wasn't thinking about working through.

For years I have believed that God answered prayer and I have learned that the answer isn't always what we ask for. What I am now learning to a great extent each day is that as my prayers become bolder, as my request change from simply asking God for what I want to asking God to use me the way He wants me to be used, I have found I have to lean on Him more and return to Him for more prayer on giving me strength to do the things before me.

I am learning that the more intimate I become with God, the more I need to prepare for what God has in store for me. He will stretch me and push me, He will lead me in paths that have obstacles to overcome to mountain-tops of grandeur but it will not always be easy and it will not always fit into my grand plan.

The more I know God, the more I need God.


Rick Ross said...

I am so glad to be a traveling companion with you in your spiritual journey. You are such an encouragement to me.

I really like that last line: The more I know God, the more I need God. In the words of the famous theologian, Beverly Ross: Truth!

Bev Ross said...

And let me say it again - "Truth!"