It feels good today. It was somewhere around 58 degrees when I ran the school route this morning. I love it when the cool air comes to town. Rumor has it that we'll see 90 again this week so I'll enjoy today all I can.
Last Friday was our 16th wedding anniversary. We celebrated at a favorite restaurant where we had the wedding rehearsal and enjoyed sitting out on the patio among the trees and close to a large fountain. It was a great evening. Even more, it's been a great 16 years. I've already said all my gushy stuff in private so here I'll just say "thank you" and "I love you" to my beautiful wife. I trust the years will continue to bring us more happy and joyful moments.
You may have noticed my postings have become less frequent. It's not that I have less to say, only that I have less time to say it lately. I hope to get back to a more routine posting and may try giving it a go in the evening. Thanks to those of you who have said something about it. I know I have a generally quiet audience (save the "golf is the one true sport" and the "Sonic coney" guys) so I want to say that I appreciate you taking the time to drop by.
For the record, I even said I don't care if you call golf a game rather than a sport. But it is pretty special.
This weather is hard to beat.
Congratulations on your anniversary. 16 years? You must have married at 35.
Someone is confused on who is closer to 50. They say the mind...
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