Monday, February 13, 2006

I think the big news this week will be Dick Cheney shooting a hunting partner on a quail hunt in South Texas. I can only imagine the press having a field day with this. First, the guy he shot was a lawyer so let's cut him a little slack. (My apologies to any lawyers reading this, I was just kidding.) So far, I've only seen one station report that the guy was walking up behind Cheney from chasing down another bird and didn't let him know he was getting near Cheney. One of the main rules of hunting is to let other hunters know where you are. Maybe other stations will pick up on this or I just missed it but the story lends itself well to the liberal-bias of media and their ability to blow it way out of proportion. I'm sure we will also see plenty of cartoons with a gun-toting Cheney. Oh my.

I don't have much to say today. Little sleep and a bad back don't make the mind sharp. For those of you out there thinking my mind has never been all that sharp, put a sock in it. :)

Have a great day. Remember that God loves you and has given you love, mercy and salvation. Live for Him.


Rick Ross said...

I already have thought as you did. The Chaney thing is really a non-story, but it will be made into a major one.

I'm sorry about your back. I'll pray for your mind. I do still believe that the Lord works miracles:)

Jeff said...

Thanks for the prayers...I think. :)