Is it OK to gamble with play money? Last night, I attended a Casino Night event put on by one of our vendors. Luck was with me for awhile and then the tide turned and in a blink of an eye, $4,000 in play money was gone. Poof! Nada. Zilch. Goose-egg. Now, the devastating thing about it is that the big prize I wanted were two seats at the Final 4 this year in the vendor's suite. If I could have turned 4-grand in funny money into prime seats at the Final 4, I'd be walking on air today. I hope people who do have gambling addictions get help. It was amazing how fast that money can disappear.
I have been impressed with the messages our new preacher has delivered since coming to our church. One that has really stuck with me was the message to pray boldly to God; to ask boldly for what we want. People close to me have cancer, people I care about are having marriage problems, people I know are dealing with emotions that are hurting them, people close to me are dealing with problems. I am boldly asking God to heal those diseases, heal the hurt, heal the wounds. I have a running battle with Satan daily. It's not an easy battle so I pray boldly every morning that God will push Satan out of my way today, that He will crush the devil's spirit in trying to get to me and that He will give me the strength to crush Satan when Satan is in my path.
I know God hears me. I know He may not answer my bold prayers in the way I want but I trust He will answer them the way He knows is best. I hope that my boldness will never cease, that my heart will always be open to His will and that my ways will be His ways. Yet, I remain ever so thankful that I can boldly approach God, that I can ask for exactly what I want and that He will hear me. An incredible Master is one who will hear those subject to Him. An incredible Lord is one who will do what is best in my life because He knows me so well. An incredible Savior is one who will love me when I fall. I have all 3.
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